Should an employee always be dismissed for gross misconduct?

Should an employee always be dismissed for gross misconduct?

Gross misconduct is a serious breach of an employee’s contract of employment. It can include acts such as theft, violence, fraud, and gross negligence. When an employee commits an act of gross misconduct, an employer has the right to dismiss them without notice. However, this does not mean that an employer always has to dismiss an employee for gross misconduct. read article

Uber employment status

Uber Drivers are workers – why getting Employment Status correct is important.

The much-anticipated Supreme Court ruling on Uber’s employment status case has been published, with judgement falling in favour of the drivers. The full judgement is available at

The Supreme Court’s ruling upholds that of the lower courts’ as it unanimously dismissed Uber’s appeal. The appeal concerned the employment status of private hire vehicle (PHV) drivers who provide their services through the Uber smartphone application (the Uber app). read article