Ensuring Success and Compliance: The Importance of Employment Contracts and Policies for UK Business Owners

Running a business in the United Kingdom comes with a set of responsibilities and legal obligations that extend beyond the core operations. One critical aspect that demands attention from business owners is the establishment of robust employment contracts and a comprehensive set of key employment policies. In this blog, we’ll delve into the reasons why these documents are crucial for the success, compliance, and overall well-being of businesses in the UK. read article

Five ways to increase employee engagement

Five ways to increase employee engagement

We totally get it: if your employees are performing well, hitting deadlines and meeting targets, you may think ‘what’s the problem?’.

But, are your employees actually engaged with the work they’re doing? Are they on board with the company’s vision and your leadership? Are they passionate about their role and would they be happy to go the extra mile for the business? read article


How to prepare for a disciplinary

What does a disciplinary involve and what’s the usual procedure? We cover what SMEs need to know about disciplinary meetings.

What is a disciplinary?

A disciplinary is part of the process when a company wants to address an employee’s behaviour. Their manager may be concerned about their work, their general conduct or an unauthorised absence. 

The word “disciplinary” typically refers to the hearing itself. This is the meeting at which both sides present their cases about the matter, but it is only a part of the whole disciplinary procedure.  read article

Traffic light system holiday

Traffic Light System – what to consider when an employee asks for holiday.

England, Scotland, and Wales have announced that international travel is permitted as of 17 May 2021 under a traffic light system.

So far, there are only 12 countries on the green list and 43 countries on the red list with most countries on the amber list. If organisations are getting requests from an employee who wishes to travel to an amber list country, they should be aware that to do so would not be considered illegal, however, their employee should be prepared to adhere to the rules that come with visiting these countries. read article